Point Harbor, NC 27964, Southbound to OBX

This location at Point Harbor is the Single BEST location to the OBX.
The traffic is backs up over 5 miles, across the bridge to this location, traveling at 5 mph. An advertiser gets 100% effective from the billboard.
Lat/Long: N 0360 04.778’ , N 0750 47.519’
The traffic is backs up over 5 miles, across the bridge to this location, traveling at 5 mph. An advertiser gets 100% effective from the billboard.
Lat/Long: N 0360 04.778’ , N 0750 47.519’
Barco, NC 27917, Northbound to Hampton Roads

This location in Barco is at a decision point on Rt. 158 at the intersection of Shortcut Rd. to Elizabeth City. On the beach check in/out days the traffic slows to 35 mph at the intersection. This is 100% coverage.
Lat/Long: N 036 035 ’ , N 075 464’
Lat/Long: N 036 035 ’ , N 075 464’
Barco, NC 27917, Southbound to OBX

As travelers leave the intersection of Rt 158 w/Rt 168, their eyes naturally move from the right merge lane to the billboard.
Lat/Long: N 036 035 ’ , N 075 464’
Lat/Long: N 036 035 ’ , N 075 464’