Market Analysis
We know all the locations of all the billboards, advertisers and viewing attributes of each along the Rt 158/168 corridor.
For example, we pinned on a Google map the locations of some bank branches. Then, we located their competition w/a different colored pin. Next, we positioned the billboards that would be the most effective to advertise the business. The business used a competitor since we had no empty billboards as per our recommendation.
We're here to serve and believe that excellent service will drive the best clients to Point Harbor Signs.
For example, we pinned on a Google map the locations of some bank branches. Then, we located their competition w/a different colored pin. Next, we positioned the billboards that would be the most effective to advertise the business. The business used a competitor since we had no empty billboards as per our recommendation.
We're here to serve and believe that excellent service will drive the best clients to Point Harbor Signs.